Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Where's Aiden's Implant?

You may have wondered where Aiden's Implant is in the pictures that we just posted (see next posting below). It's there - it just looks different than you are used to (unless you have seen Aiden lately). About 2 months ago, we got a bit of a hardware "upgrade" for Aiden's implant. You may remember that we were having no end of troubles keeping the behind the ear mic on Aiden's ear. So, we switched him to a device called a "behind the ear processor" or BTE. There is still a magnet on his head. That cord is attached to the BTE. The BTE is supposed to be worn behind the ear (hence the name) like a hearing aid. But, Aiden's ears are not close enough to his head, nor strong enough to hold it. So, we have it safety pinned to his sholder for the time being - as you can see in the above picture with Auntie Sharon.

When you see a picture of him face on, you don't even realize that it's there - especially if the BTE has been pinned a bit back on his sholder. So, now instead of having a blinking light on his ear, there is a blinking light on his sholder....

This, of course, is not a permanent solution. We make jokes about Aiden having this extremely high tech piece of equipment, valued in the neighbourhood of $10,000 (just for the hardware), and we have it safety pinned to his shirt....

There had been some talk of Aiden meeting with a plastic surgeon to see about firming up his little ear, and tucking it in closer to his head to accommodate the processor, but I think he needs to be a bit older first. I really NEVER thought I would be talking about taking my 2 year old to the plastic surgeon!!! Of course, I never imagined I would be doing a lot of things that I find myself doing :>


At 10:44 PM, Blogger Jennifer said...

I have a hard time keeping my BTE on, and I have big ol' ears :) I wish Advanced Bionics would come out with something like the Mini that Cochlear has...although it's not small enough for little kids, either :( I like your looks like it works just fine :)
Aiden is adorable!!

At 11:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my GOSH I LOVE that picture of Aiden and Noah together. What a beautiful fellows! It is also nice to see a picture of Auntie Sharon!!!

At 5:45 AM, Blogger Cloggy said...


Love to read others' experiences...

Just a question,
Can I put a link to this post on Lotte's Blog where I talked about the BTE's?
Just comment in there when it's OK...

At 9:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really enjoy reading your blog. It particularly interested me as I am also the parent of a daughter with cochlear implants. Can you add my site to your list of links?


At 10:02 AM, Blogger Nicole said...

Hi Cloggy,
Yes! You can certainly put a link on Lotte's Blog about the BTE's. I think the more we can share stories between each other the better. So, from here on in, you have my permission to link to any part of Aiden's Blog :> I'll comment on your Post too to make sure you get this message.

At 10:03 AM, Blogger Nicole said...

Hi Aaron,
I would be happy to put a link to your site on Aiden's Blog. You have a fantastic product. I almost wish we still had the body worn processor :> One question - have you even thought about making a shirt / case to help out those of us who's kids wear their BTE on their sholder (most of the time in makeshift cases)?

At 8:05 AM, Anonymous implantate Berlin said...

Quality work always gets admiration from others and the knowledge and information provided here has such a quality that i am feeling thankfull for all the peopele who had a hand in it. please keep doing quality work.

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At 4:27 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

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At 1:29 PM, Blogger بيت العز said...

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At 1:47 PM, Blogger بيت العز said...

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At 1:52 PM, Blogger بيت العز said...

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At 12:24 PM, Blogger Noran said...

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At 12:24 PM, Blogger يارا said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 5:29 PM, Blogger Nashwa Mostafa said...

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شبوك حكومية
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At 10:18 PM, Blogger  Yasmin Abdullah said...

إن تصميم هذه الستائر يجعلها عرضة للتشابك عند إنزالها ، لذا ستحتاج إلى غسلها في مكانها.

أسهل طريقة للقيام بذلك هي عن طريق تعليق ملاءة السرير خلفها - ربطها بقضيب الستارة مع مشابك الغسيل.

وضع المناشف على الأرض أسفل الستار.

املأ زجاجة رذاذ مع كوبين ماء دافئ و 2-3 قطرات من منظف الصحون السائل ورش الستار من الأسفل إلى الأسفل بحرية.

امسحها بقطعة قماش قطنية مبللة رطبة ، وفركها بخفة على المناطق المتسخة بشدة حسب الحاجة.

السماح ليجف وإزالة خلفية ورقة السرير.

فيلت المخلفات

بعض الستائر المخملية قابلة للغسل بالآلة بينما يحتاج البعض الآخر للتنظيف الجاف. تحقق من ملصق الشركة المصنعة للتعرف على ماركاتك.

بشكل عام ، يجب أن تعامل الستائر المخملية المبطنة على أنها جافة ونظيفة فقط.

تتطلب الستائر المخملية غير المبطنة اختبار ثبات اللون عن طريق اختراق منطقة مخفية بقطعة قماش بيضاء رطبة. إذا انتقلت الصبغة إلى قطعة القماش ، اصطحبها إلى التنظيف الجاف. إذا كان القماش ملونًا ، فقم بغسله بلوحة واحدة في المرة الواحدة على الدورة الحساسة باستخدام الماء البارد ونصف الكمية المعتاد

At 2:13 PM, Blogger يارا said...

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رقم سباك بالمدينة المنورة
سباك بالمدينة المنورة

At 8:00 PM, Blogger rabab saad said...

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شركة تنظيف بعرعر

At 8:12 PM, Blogger rabab saad said...

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At 6:53 PM, Blogger Rania said...

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At 11:07 AM, Blogger الركن المكلي said...

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At 11:08 AM, Blogger الركن المكلي said...

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At 5:37 PM, Blogger said...

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At 12:46 PM, Blogger الفارس كلين said...

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At 10:35 AM, Blogger said...

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At 3:31 PM, Blogger said...

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At 3:39 PM, Blogger said...

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At 2:31 PM, Blogger مدونات said...

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At 11:04 AM, Blogger Mai said...

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تركيب جبس بورد الفجيرة
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At 1:26 PM, Blogger menna said...

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تركيب طابوق الشارقة
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